Mehmet Burak Akgün
Mehmet Burak Akgün

I work as a Senior Android Developer at Trendyol, Turkey's largest e-commerce app. I build and oversee world-class Android apps for millions of users. I started working at Trendyol in 2020. I have been an Android developer for eight years, largely creating new products and e-commerce apps. I have worked with Turkcell, Turkey's largest mobile network operator, LC Waikiki, the largest clothing retailer, and Hepsiburada. The awards I received at hackathons and other events came from my creative ideas. In 2016, I graduated from Süleyman Demirel University, Department of Computer Engineering. In the 2014-2015 academic year, I attended Fachhochschule Schmalkalden in Germany. The disciplines I mastered include software engineering, computer science and mobile development. From 2022 onwards, Berlin became my new home. It is exciting to work in a lively and open environment where you can share your expertise and experience with others at the same time and grow from them. I am motivated to create scalable, user-friendly applications that help solve practical problems and have value for consumers. I am also a member of the Berlin Android Developer group. I helped with Droidcon Berlin 23 and spoke at #dcbln24.

Medium member since August 2023
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